Zeb at the Ranch – Cowpies and Coffee Cups
Zeb at the Ranch – Cowpies and Coffee Cups
~ Volume 597 - November 17, ‍2023 ~
Watch the Zeb at the Ranch broadcast LIVE at ZebBell.com!
Every Monday thru Thursday from 8 to 11 a.m.
    Well Toto...We’re NOT in Kansas anymore...and, the yellow brick road is stained with blood! It doesn’t matter where you live or what you do, today none of us are safe from violent crime. A man returning home from work and exercise at the gym, walks up to his front door and is accosted by two punks with guns. They wanted to get into his house and rob him and who knows what else!! The man had a cup of coffee and threw it in the face of one of the vermin and the homeowner reached for his pistol...Yes dear reader...he had a concealed pistol...shots were exchanged and the two worthless punks faded into the dark like the rats they are! But wait...there’s more...after this confrontation the State of California revoked the homeowner’s gun permit!! Yes, the good guy, that was on his property, protecting himself and his wife and children...gets punished! I mean this...it’s too bad that the “bad guys” weren’t taken out...permanently. And even here, in conservative and relaxed southern Idaho, violence is lurking. This week there was a shooting outside the Target Department Store and later that same night a homeowner, married and the father of three, was shot and killed outside the front of his house! Bad people with bad motives are here and none of us are safe. I’ve written this before...be prepared, be wary and be ready to stop the “bad guys” by any means possible. Study how to be safer and practice the “means and methods” you’ve chosen. Remember...the “Bad Guys” lives mean NOTHING when yours and your loved ones are in danger!

Don't forget Dr-History.com! Exciting episodes of the old West!!
Now in 110 countries...110!! And not one of them
have said they're offended!

Our Pledge of Allegiance:
I pledge Allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one nation under God, indivisible,
with Liberty and Justice for all.

Dear Lord: Please Bless and heal this land with your grace and power.
Help us to realize YOU are in charge as you were, as you are now and like
you'll be in the future. Forgive us for "straying off the trail" of what's right
and what's wrong and help us to appreciate what you've blessed us with,
the greatest Country in the world...America!
In Jesus Name.....Amen

Please read Proverbs Chapter 24 vs. 15.

The way things were - are the way things ought to be!

(Copyright Zeb Bell)

Adios Buckaroos and Buckarettes!

God Bless and Fly the Flag!!

Zeb Bell

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Be sure to check out archives of the show on the website or Zeb's Rumble channel at https://rumble.com/user/zebattheranch or for older archives, his YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg_Ef72F7DI33Qu9vyfbkpg. Don't forget to leave a comment or a "Like" while you're there.

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