Zeb at the Ranch – Cowpies and Coffee Cups
Zeb at the Ranch – Cowpies and Coffee Cups
~ Volume 592 - October 13, ‍2023 ~
Watch the Zeb at the Ranch broadcast LIVE at ZebBell.com!
Every Monday thru Thursday from 8 to 11 a.m.
    We could be on the edge of WW III...We could be on the path to Armageddon...Yes, we could be close to the end. We COULD be...but WE, mere mortals do not know, only God can discern the final chapter. The atrocities committed on Israel...the murders, burning, kidnapping and fear are unbelievable, and that’s the problem with many of our ignorant and naive students – from college down the ladder to our elementary schools. They ARE what they are being taught...or not taught. Respect for America and our allies seems to trigger a response for the left loons to stand up and cheer for the other side! These pitiful dolts have been fed trash that America present and past is not worthy of respecting, and all of our history should be “cleansed” and discarded. They don’t believe the past...the Holocaust never happened, George Washington was a worthless slave owner, all “whites” are evil and racist, and we’re all going to burn up in X amount of years because of Climate Change lunacy. The younger generation is living in a pitiful state of fear and misinformation because of an education system that is rotten to the core. There are very few school districts anywhere in the U.S. that I trust, very few that are trying to educate our youth for their future occupations and pride in community...very few! All of the problems that WE see and hear about every day are the root cause of poor education, pathetic parenting AND NO God in their lives...until those items are “fixed”, our society will continue on the road to hell!

Don't forget Dr-History.com! Exciting episodes of the old West!!
Now in 110 countries...110!! And not one of them
have said they're offended!

Our Pledge of Allegiance:
I pledge Allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one nation under God, indivisible,
with Liberty and Justice for all.

Dear Lord: Please Bless and heal this land with your grace and power.
Help us to realize YOU are in charge as you were, as you are now and like
you'll be in the future. Forgive us for "straying off the trail" of what's right
and what's wrong and help us to appreciate what you've blessed us with,
the greatest Country in the world...America!
In Jesus Name.....Amen

Please read Psalms Chapter 96 vs. 13.

The way things were - are the way things ought to be!

(Copyright Zeb Bell)

Adios Buckaroos and Buckarettes!

God Bless and Fly the Flag!!

Zeb Bell

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Be sure to check out archives of the show on the website or Zeb's Rumble channel at https://rumble.com/user/zebattheranch or for older archives, his YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg_Ef72F7DI33Qu9vyfbkpg. Don't forget to leave a comment or a "Like" while you're there.

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