Zeb at the Ranch – Cowpies and Coffee Cups
Zeb at the Ranch – Cowpies and Coffee Cups
~ Volume 480 - May 14, ‍2021 ~
Watch the Zeb at the Ranch broadcast LIVE at ZebBell.com!
Every Monday thru Thursday from 8 to 11 a.m.
    I had a very nice talk with God today. The weather was beautiful and we could see a hundred miles in every direction. My wife and I watched two eagles perched on a tree limb south of us by the lake. We watched the swirling clouds of dust from tractors preparing the soil for another planting season. The beautiful lush green hay fields waving in the breeze and our beloved majestic mountains standing boldly on the valley edge. I said to God, "You sure made a magnificent wonderful world", I could honestly feel that he smiled and nodded his head. I said, "it's so ridiculous and stupid that man wants to blow it up and kill each other!" I had the feeling that God had a tear in his eye and sorrowfully agreed with me. I said "Lord, I'm an old man, made tons of mistakes, and have not served you the way I should have, but, please know I am so thankful for my life, my wife, my family and all my blessings". I felt that God looked me in the eye and said, "I've forgiven you 70 x 7 and I love you and want the best for you....keep on trying!"...I felt kind of warm and teary eyed as I stood up from my chair and started for the house. I suddenly stopped and looked around me, my home, my livestock, my dogs, good neighbors and above all, a loving, caring, devoted wife...I've been so blessed. I enjoyed having a nice talk with God today!

God Bless

Zeb Bell

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Our Pledge of Allegiance:
I pledge Allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one nation under God, indivisible,
with Liberty and Justice for all.

Dear Lord: Please Bless and heal this land with your grace and power.
Help us to realize YOU are in charge as you were, as you are now and like
you'll be in the future. Forgive us for "straying off the trail" of what's right
and what's wrong and help us to appreciate what you've blessed us with,
the greatest Country in the world...America!
In Jesus Name.....Amen

Please read Psalms Chapter 23 vs 6.

The way things were - are the way things ought to be!

(Copyright Zeb Bell)

Adios Buckaroos and Buckarettes!

God Bless and Fly the Flag!!

Zeb Bell

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